What’s right with this picture?

Ha! One of my Autistic buddies brought this to my attention:

Behavior suppression is not behavior modification

As pretty much any Autistic person can tell you, the creators of this handy infographic are spot-on about this:

Behavior suppression is not behavior modification.

News flash for the ABA “practitioners” in the crowd.

Behavior suppression is not behavior modification.

And, in fact, addressing root causes not only modify behavior, but they completely remove the need for the behavior, to begin with.

See, lots of the “unacceptable” behavior that Autistic folks exhibit is in response to stressors around us. Like, the whole world’s worth of stressors. We do what we do for a very good reason, but not many people seem the least bit interested in understanding why that is.

I’m tired, tonight. I’m tired of having to think about this stuff. But yeah, I do.

And that’s unfortunate.

Oh, well. Good night.

Seriously people, #Autism is Not That Difficult To Understand

Sigh. Just sigh.

You try being constantly bombarded with obnoxious smells, sensations, sounds, contact, and getting exhausted







and then being all sweetness and light for people who don’t bother to actually say what they mean, or mean what they say.

You try having some ethics and logic in the midst of lying sacks of sh*t who only want to get laid… not actually contribute something to the betterment of the world. And no, your spawn does not count as a “contribution”. We’ve got too many of them, already.

You try building the world around you, only to have opportunistic predators push you out of the way, kick you out of the world you designed and built from the ground up, out of the sheer imagination and inventiveness of Autistic minds…

I mean, it’s the ultimate irony, that non-autistic folks use the internet to perpetrate their cluelessness. Idjits. We actually built it to counteract your… um… deficits.

To no avail.

I’m tired, tonight. Can you tell?

Non-autistic antics have worn me out. And there’s no relief in sight.

And people wonder why we melt down in public.

Look in the mirror. Living in the midst of all the self-consumed, perfume-wearing, nonsense-driveling, non-autistic drones would drive any sensitive person to uncontrollable wailing on a regular basis.

The only difference between the kids who do melt down in public, and me, is that I’ve had half a century to learn how to not do that.


I have no idea why I even wrote this.

I doubt it will do any good.

