Sharing: Neurodiversity and Seizures | from Auptima Press

Greg’s Story: I started having seizures when I turned 16. They really impacted school and it took a long time for my parents and the doctors to figure out what was going on. At first they just thought I was being defiant. I ended up hospitalized twice for angry and confusing outbursts before someone figured out what was going on.

Janice’s Story: I started having uncomfortable jolting sensations in my body at menopause. I had no idea that I could develop seizures in my 50’s but fortunately I have a good doctor who helped me get tested and life is much better now that they are under control. The biggest result- I’m not as tired anymore.

As an autistic, you may be experiencing negative effects from seizures and not even know it.

Research has long indicated that autistics are at greater risk of experiencing seizures than neurotypicals. But these uncontrollable electrical activities in the brain come in many forms and not all seizures are readily noticeable.

Read the rest of the article: Neurodiversity and Seizures | Auptima Press

3 thoughts on “Sharing: Neurodiversity and Seizures | from Auptima Press

  1. kaptionthisblog

    This I find somewhat bewildering. I’d probably be dead ling before it occurs to me I have body aches that indicate I have cancer. It took umpteen suicide attempts for me to have any comprehension I have autism. I have been black and blue, and suffered from internal haematomas before I comprehended I have mild haemophilia.

    How on earth would I know if I have seizures??!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. VisualVox

      Excellent question. I wonder that, myself. I went through a period, about 10 years ago, when I was experiencing involuntary rhythmic motions of my eyes, as well as intense meltdowns that left me feeling like Dostoyevsky described feeling after his seizures. Everyone I talked to, who wasn’t medical, said I was probably having seizures, but when I got checked out (one test @ a big hospital), they couldn’t find anything. They said it was probably emotional, and they wanted to “observe” me for a weekend, while I was hooked up to all kinds of machines. I almost agreed to do it, because, well, it was data – right? But friends convinced me that I might end up diagnosed with something pretty extreme — and then I could end up on meds and under observation. So, I listened to them, and I’m glad I did. Having that weekend-long observation on my medical record would not have helped. I’m still not sure I wasn’t having seizures, but I haven’t had more trouble with them, since I changed my diet and started exercising regularly. I think in my case, I may have had a lot of “backed-up” energy that made my internal electrical system go haywire.

      Anyway, back to your point. I, too, have a very hard time identifying what I’m feeling — it’s either not even registering, or it’s off the charts. It helps if there’s someone you can trust who can give you an objective perspective, but I’ve since lost a lot of the friends I used to connect with (and the ones I’m still in touch with aren’t super-stable, themselves). So, where does that leave us? In my case, pretty much bumbling around in the dark in certain instances. And hoping for the best – that I survive my own oblivion.

      Well, it’s all an adventure, I suppose. I’m still here, so that counts for something.


      1. kaptionthisblog

        In a way, I like the bumbling about in the dark. Now I have my autism dx, I am really not too keen on being enlightened on anything more that is ‘wrong’ with me.

        You have some wise friends. I think they did stop you from opening up a can of worms. It does highlight the difficulty of vaguely knowing something is amiss, yet communicating this to NT medical staff in a meaningful way. Something I try to avoid after the disasters of my youth.

        I am with you on the exercise/diet clean up changes. Does not surprise me to hear you found changes to your electrical-nervous system after implementing what you did. A whole lot of PhD worthy topics right there!

        Liked by 1 person

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